Welcome Meeting for Canadian Delegation to Greater Nagoya

Welcome Meeting for Canadian Delegation to Greater Nagoya


Meeting Objectives


1) To explain about the Greater Nagoya region and Industrial Cluster in the region

2) To understand cities and economic organizations in Canada and FDI strategies

3) To share the information of respective regions for network enhancement


Presentaion: Investment environment in Mie

TORAY, Auto motive center (AMC)








1. Introduction & Discussion


Date & Time: February 28, 2014 (Fri) 14:00 – 15:00

Venue: Winc Aichi (Aichi Industry & Labor Center)

Organizer: Greater Nagoya Initiative Center

(The Public Foundation of Chubu Science and Technology Center)

Co-organizer: Consulate of Canada to Japan


Welcome Speech (Japanese – English)

– Chubu Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry


・  Business Environment of Greater Nagoya

– Greater Nagoya Initiative Center (GNIC)

・ Investment Promotion in Canadian cities

– Economic Development Officer in Canadian cities

Q&A (Japanese – English)


・ JETRO Nagoya Office, Aichi Small Business Support Center


2. GNI Industrial Tour


Time & Date: February 28, 2014 (Fri) 15:30 – 17:00

Place to Visit: TORAY, Auto motive center (AMC)

Address: Ohe-cho 9-1, Minato-ku, Nagoya-city, Aichi

Program: 15:30 TORAY Auto motive center (AMC)

– Presentation of TOREY INDUSTRIES, INC.

– Overview by video

– Gallery tour

– Q & A